
Understanding EMF’s:

There are a number of common sources of non-native EMF’s in our homes. These are known sources of electro pollution (or, electro- smog) Some of these include:

Radio Frequencies – These include common wireless radiation sources like cell phones, WIFI routers, bluetooth, etc. Research has shown that as little as 0.001 µ/m2 (microwatts per square meter) has effects on our DNA. Federal regulators in numerous countries take a more relaxed approach to wireless radiation exposure, and claim that higher levels of exposure are no cause for concern. See below the guidelines as outlined below by the Canadian Government:

Quote sources here from gov’t regulations:
https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-risks- safety/radiation/everyday-things-emit-radiation/wi-fi.html https://www.epa.gov/radtown/non-ionizing-radiation-wireless- technology

Magnetic fields – these extremely low frequency fields often come from many home electrical systems, home electronics and sometimes nearby or overhead power lines. Research has also shown that modest levels of magnetic fields can impact the immune system, in particular, t-cells. The bedroom is a common source of magnetic fields in many homes and these fields can impact sleep quality.

Electric Fields & Dirty Electricity – Lower-frequency fields that are preset in many US homes today. Just about every household electrical system has wires running through the walls throughout the home. This non-metallic wiring is not typically shielded, and therefore emits electric fields (radiation) up to 6-8 feet away from the walls in which they are housed. These electric fields are measurable using testing equipment, and have been demonstrated to negatively impact our bodies when exposed for prolonged periods of time. Another problem with these fields is that nearby metal surfaces that are conductive can attract and intensify these fields (ie. bedsprings inside a mattress or a nearby metal piece of furniture).

Dirty Electricity 101 – Dirty electricity includes all the additional chaotic frequencies that are present on electrical wiring within the home. These additional frequencies ride on top of the typical 60 hertz standard wave which is the standard for all electrical systems in the United States. While the 60 hertz signal is clean, it is commonly “dirtied” by these additional chaotic frequencies present in the electrical writing that can either be present on the incoming electrical signal from your utility company, or can be created by a number of appliances and electronics inside the home, or even your neighbor’s home! Because there are no regulations in place to limit the amount of “dirty electricity” or transient/harmonic signals that common electronics and appliances can introduce onto household wiring, virtually every modern home today has some level of this “dirty electricity”.

Blue Light – As much as electric lighting has served mankind as a marvel and innovation, it has not come to us without a cost. Our ancestors used the natural light from sunlight and fire to get through life. Nighttime was always dark because nighttime was when we were meant to sleep. Today, household lighting (blue-light exposure), though convenient, has had some detrimental effects on our health.

Having bright lights on during evening hours impacts our circadian biology. The light that enters through our eyes sends a signal to the superchaismatic nucleus, which is every human being’s naturally built-in circadian clock. Ultimately, we want to follow the light patterns of the sun. Brighter lights, televisions and computer & cellphone screens are acceptable earlier in the day, but as evening nears and dusk approaches outside, we want to try to emulate those similar lighting frequencies in our indoor lighting environment. Having bright lights on indoors at 10pm sends the wrong signal to our internal clocks (the superchaismatic nucleus), and can have negative impacts on our sleep and body circadian rhythm. This is why it is important that as we enter into evening hours, we should have less lights on around us. Additionally, we can use biohacks like blue- blocking glasses and screen filters to mitigate bright light frequencies exposures to our eyes at the wrong time of day. Part of our EMF assessments will teach you how to follow these patterns more closely with simple strategies and tricks to follow the natural lighting environment our ancestors had.

Research and Videos: